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How does Colic, Constipation, and Reflux turn into ADHD, Anxiety, and Sensory Issues? Hint: A Perfect Storm is Brewing

Kevin Levandoski

Did your child as a baby have chronic ear infections, colic, constipation, or reflux? Are they now a few years older, or even a teenager, and struggling with ADD, ADHD, emotional issues, sensory concerns, or anxiety? If so, their nervous system could be in a stressed state.

When there are underlying concerns such as fertility challenges, prenatal stress, birth trauma, environmental toxins, and nervous system dysfunction, this can brew a "Perfect Storm" inside our kiddos. This sets the stage for developmental delays and chronic health issues.

So, what do we do?

Nervous system based chiropractic care is the solution! Our nervous system is designed to bring our body back into ease, balancing the sympathetic and parasympathetic sides of the nervous system. When there is dysfunction and disruptions in the communication between the brain and the nervous system, our bodies go haywire and lead to chronic states of fight-or-flight, however neurological chiropractic, relieves this tension.

At The Living Well, we take that stress out of the nervous system so you and your kiddo can function well, living more vital and healthy lives. We use medical-grade, non-invasive scans to see how your nervous system is functioning, including:

  • Digital infrared thermography to assess autonomic function

  • Heart rate variability analysis to measure stress resilience

  • sEMG to measure proprioceptive "noise" in the nervous system

Woman doing a heart rate variability scan
Heart rate variability scan

Gentle, nervous-system based adjustment
Gentle, nervous-system based adjustment

Once we have a snap-shot into how the body is functioning, we develop a personalized care plan for you! There is no guessing about your health here.

Are you ready to unwind the stress inside you or your kiddo's body? If so, book here for your initial appointment with Dr. Kevin.

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Address: 1108 W Washington St. 

Marquette, MI



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