Digestion, Mental Health, Sleep & Pain
We all know how crappy (no pun intended) having digestive issues can be. Studies show acupuncture and herbs improve the gut-brain connection by improving serotonin and communication between the gut and brain which improves the gut AND mental health concerns. Acupuncture also increases dopamine in the brain, releasing all those “feel good” chemicals throughout your body.
Regarding sleep, acupuncture has been shown to increase mood, improve sleep quality, reduce insomnia, and make you feel more rested. Many people during an acupuncture session often take a quick nap, often referred to as an "acu nap" and leave more rested than when they came in.
Acupuncture also treats pain, which many people have heard about with athletes and other celebrities sharing testimonials about how acupuncture and similar modalities improve their performance. We treat everything from neck and shoulder pain, low back and piriformis pain, knee pain, and more.